Monday, July 18, 2011

DAY 6 Copper Mountain to Leadville

Here's Sara and Leo on the way up to Fremont Pass

It was another beautiful day, although chilly in the early am. Just another alpine lake.

Here's the summit! Fairly easy ride so far today!

There's lots to see at the summit. Here's an old ore train

Climax is the name of the mining area. In the old days there were thousands of people here.

Now the demand for molybdenum is back so there is a lot of activity and construction to reopen the mine here. It's right on the summit.

Lots of pictures and signage detailing the activities here abouts.

And what train car would be complete without a bunch of bike riders. There's Leo, Joe, Moi,Barb, John and Margo(the other one). Lots of comraderie hereabouts, too!

And the sag is here too!

Dave, Sandy and Leo!

And Dan!

The humble beginning of the Arkansas River

Farther down the valley and it gets bigger. Duh

And then on to Leadville. The elevation makes difficult sleeping for just about everybody.

John and Barb! Ain't they cute!

Downtown Leadville. Neat old town! We stay at the Delaware Hotel, circa 1890's! Fun stuff. Had lunch in the Silver Dollar saloon where, according to legend, Doc Holliday shot his last victim. Still has the original mirrors, doors and decor!

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